First Blog Post For This Year, Long Time No Updates

    Hello, blogger world!!

    I am back!! It’s been a long time since I updated this blog. I lost the enthusiasm to update my blog and got disappointed after Google Adsense disabled/banned my Adsense account 3 or 4 years ago for no specific reason. I don’t need to elaborate on how and what happened since there’s no sense in talking about it. All I can say now is that … Screw you Google Adsense!!

    So now I am back and hopefully, I can get back to my momentum in writing. I am now working on giving this blog a new look by changing the blog template which I have already done. The new template is responsive so my blog can now be viewed on any type of device. A few more customization is needed though. I even changed my tagline since I no longer earn money online. I wanted to start a new blog with a new domain name, but my husband told me to use this blog instead. So, here I am again.

    What to expect in my future posts? Well, I would share about my online gaming experience. I would still write some personal reviews on the online games that I have played. I am planning to write a review about Game Of War which I have played for more than 2 years now. Also, I am going to share my artistic side by showing the crafts that I have made. So, my future post would tackle my adventures both offline and online, as my new tagline says… “All The Flavors Of Being Me, A Wife, An Online Gamer, and A Crafter.” Until my next post!! Ciao!!

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